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Both Faith and Danielle do EMDR Therapy on adults (Danielle does EMDR on children). In Adult EMDR Therapy sessions, you can expect to engage in Eight-Phases of therapy. These phases do not occur one-per-session, and sometimes they do not occur in order. Some session may have several; some sessions may only work on one.
Phase One (Mapping) involves mapping of historical trauma in the life of the client. The clinician will help the client pinpoint the negative-cognition (-Cog) which has been installed into the mind of the client, from past trauma. This might be … “I’m not good enough.” Yet, it could be several things, so this is just an example. Then the client and clinician work together to map out the first time a client felt that way, the worst time they felt that way, and the most recent time they felt that way. This mapping can take place over several session and includes the assessment phase of therapy. Mapping can also be a phase in which the clinician and client go back to after working on Phase Two for a time.
Phase Two (Resourcing) includes teaching the client about resourcing … coping skills the client can tap into to help with anxiousness, lowering stress and the ‘charge’ attached to a traumatic memory. This includes relaxation skills and mindfulness. It can also mean teaching DBT coping skills within the EMDR format. Cool~! Huh? The client and clinician may bounce back and forth between Phase One and Phase Two several times before the clinician feels the client is ready for Phase Three.
Phase Three (Assessment) includes analyzing a single memory and prepares the client for fast bilateral stimulation, which occurs in Phases Four (Desensitization), Phase Five (Installation), and Phase Six (Body Scan). Fast Bilaterial Stimulation can occur using a light bar, sound, or tapping, using vibration. Phase Three only happens in one session.
Phase Seven (Closure) involves slow bilateral stimulation and will help the client get back to a calm baseline and prepare them for leaving the counseling theater more relaxed. Things taught in Phase Two, can be used in Phase Seven.
Phase Eight (Reevaluation) completes the work, but it happens in subsequent sessions in which the clinician checks back with the client regarding the memory previously processed. They check for sufficient closure and that escalation, when talking about that memory, has lowered significantly.
Danielle works with children using EMDR Therapy. She utilizes games, tactile toys, and other methods to make it fun and meaningful for children who have suffered various kinds of trauma. She can even process preverbal trauma, and can work with clients who are non-verbal, so long as a parent or caregiver can assist in the processing.
Faith and Danielle can work with adults who are not even allowed to talk about the trauma they’ve faced, such as military personnel. Even if the client doesn't talk about what they experienced, the eight phases can still be accomplished, but this takes honesty and genuineness on the part of the client, so the counselor can be assured of compliance, even when the words are not being said out loud.
Again, because of the care, and the depths that Faith and Danielle goes into with each client, they only take a certain number of clients at any given time. This, we at FRCC, respect and encourage. It allows for quality of care for each case taken on. If you’ve been put on a wait list, then be patient. That care will come to you when it’s your turn.
Faith has undergone training in the GOTTMAN METHOD for Marriage and Relationship Counseling. She has completed Level Two training, and will soon be engaging in Level Three and going on for Certification.
Faith is accepting a limited number of COUPLES for Gottman Method of Marriage/Relationship Counseling. Here’s how this works…
A $300 upfront fee, paid in cash or credit card, will cover the cost of assessments, tutorials, and access to the needed web-based resources for both members in the relationship. This fee also guarantees your spot on her caseload, or her wait list. This is refunded should she decline to see you for personal reasons but is not refunded if she orders all the resources and you fail to show, or if you hide facts which brings about an automatic discharge.
Because of Faith's special training, there are now only two reasons you could be discharged immediately, or resumed after further evaluation.
If there is active infidelity in the relationship. All affairs must cease, to engage in relationship counseling. If cessation is proven, then counseling can resume, but again, it will stop if the affair begins again. Marriage (or other close relationships) is built on trust and commitment, affairs are an affront to both
Finally, if there is chronic and/or characterological domestic violence in the home. This is abuse that is not a one-off but has occurred repeatedly. The individual will be referred for counseling and a decision must be made concerning safety in the home.
The first session, and all subsequent sessions, cost $125 (cash/credit card) and it is a conjoint session (both people in the relationship are present) and will be a time of assessment and observation on the part of the counselor. This allows Faith to observe where communication breakdowns are occurring and what might be at the root of perpetual conflict. This session is approximately 2-hrs long.
Between the first and second session, you will be sent separate links via email so each person can take an assessment online (or this can be done in-person, if absolutely necessary), which will assess key areas of the relationship for problems which need to be addressed. This gives Faith insight into formulating the correct treatment plan.
The second session is individual, and can be done back-to-back, or scheduled in a manner which fits each person. This is $125 as well but covers both sessions. Each session is 1-hr long. In these sessions, the individuals will be given an opportunity to discuss their perspectives with the clinician. Keep in mind, Faith will not keep secrets in relationship counseling. So what you reveal in the individual session will be addressed in the conjoint session. This facilitates building or rebuilding trust in the relationship.
In the third session, we will meet conjointly, and likely all the rest of the sessions will also be conjoint and cost $125/session. At this session, the results of the assessments will be reviewed and the treatment plan addressed. Faith will also be assigning modules, which will be done from home, which contain videos, literature, and assigned activities. This is a 2-hr session.
From this point forward, each subsequent session will address a need revealed in the assessment phase. These will all likely be 2-hr sessions, but could be shorter or longer, as the clinician deems necessary. These could also be individual, if there is an underlying issue which needs addressed, and the clinician reserves the right to see a client individual if she feels it benefits the couple.
It should also be noted, while Faith is completing her training to become a certified Gottman Therapist, the sessions will be videotaped. These videos help Faith build the best possible treatment plan, can be used in session to point out speaking habits which are not conducive to healing the relationship, and can be used in her training, to prove Faith is using the skills properly. Level Three is a practicum and requires Faith to show a couple's unassisted communication skills. During her Certification Process, she must show her skills in each of the 52 interventions used in Gottman Method.
Standard Notice of the No Surprises Act
(For use by nonparticipating providers and nonparticipating emergency facilities beginning January 1, 2022) Instructions The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) developed standard notice and consent documents under section 2799B-2(d) of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act). These documents are for use when providing items and services to participants, beneficiaries, enrollees, or covered individuals in group health plans or group or individual health insurance coverage, including Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans by either: • A nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating emergency facility when furnishing certain post-stabilization services, or • A nonparticipating provider (or facility on behalf of the provider) when furnishing non-emergency services (other than ancillary services) at certain participating health care facilities. These documents provide the form and manner of the notice and consent documents specified by the Secretary of HHS under 45 CFR 149.410 and 149.420. HHS considers use of these documents in accordance with these instructions to be good faith compliance with the notice and consent requirements of section 2799B-2(d) of the PHS Act, provided that all other requirements are met. To the extent a state develops notice and consent documents that meet the statutory and regulatory requirements under section 2799B-2(d) of the PHS Act and 45 CFR 149.410 and 149.420, the state-developed documents will meet the Secretary’s specifications regarding the form and manner of the notice and consent documents. These documents may not be modified by providers or facilities, except as indicated in brackets or as may be necessary to reflect applicable state law. To use these documents properly, the nonparticipating provider or facility must fill in any blanks that appear in brackets with the appropriate information. Providers and facilities must fill out the notice and consent documents completely and delete the bracketed italicized text before presenting the documents to patients. In particular, providers and facilities must fill in the blanks in the “Estimate of what you may pay” section and the “More details about your estimate” section before presenting the documents to patients. The standard notice and consent documents must be given physically separate from and not attached to or incorporated into any other documents. The documents must not be hidden or included among other forms, and a representative of the provider or facility must be physically present or available by phone to explain the documents and estimates to the individual, and answer any questions, as necessary. The documents must meet applicable language access requirements, as specified in 45 CFR 149.420. The provider or facility is responsible for translating these documents or providing a qualified interpreter, as applicable, when necessary to meet those requirements. The standard notice must be provided on paper, or, when feasible, electronically, if selected by the individual. The individual must be provided with a copy of the signed consent document in-person, by mail or via email, as selected by the individual. If an individual makes an appointment for the relevant items or services at least 72 hours before the date that the items and services are to be furnished, these notice and consent documents must be provided to the individual, or the individual’s authorized representative, at least 72 hours before the date that the items and services are to be furnished. If the individual makes an appointment for the relevant items or services within 72 hours of the date the items and services are to be furnished, these notice and consent documents must be provided to the individual, or the individual’s authorized representative, on the day the appointment is scheduled. In a situation where an individual is provided the notice and consent documents on the day the items or services are to be furnished, including for post-stabilization services, the documents must be provided no later than 3 hours prior to furnishing the relevant items or services. NOTE: The information provided in these instructions is intended to be only a general informal summary of technical legal standards. It is not intended to take the place of the statutes, regulations, or formal policy guidance upon which it is based. Refer to the applicable statutes, regulations, and other interpretive materials for complete and current information. Do not include these instructions with the standard notice and consent documents given to patients. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-1401. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1.3 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.